Data Accelerator Project Application
Project Partnerships
Data Accelerator Project Application
Project Partnerships
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Home / What We Do / Data Accelerator / Data Accelerator Project Application
Partner with us – Complete the below form
Due to high sensitivity of Data Accelerator datasets, there is a Project/Data request process researchers complete prior to data access. There are a few simple steps to follow:
- Complete the below form
- Your completed form will be reviewed within 2 weeks of receipt
- Once your application is reviewed, the Data Accelerator will notify you if there are any questions and of next steps
- Once your application is approved, the Data Accelerator will create a custom dataset for your project. Both Identified and de-identified projects are available.
To expedite the review of your application consider a 15-30 minute phone consultation with the Data Accelerator. Most projects that complete a consultation meeting prior to submitting a project request have their requests approved in less than two weeks.
Please complete the below application for the Data Accelerator. You might consider completing the responses in a word document and copying and pasting the information into the form. Once you have completed your application press the ‘submit application’ button. You may use information from pre-existing documents such as research grant proposals, existing IRB protocols, or other documents in which the research you will be performing with the data is clearly outlined.
Data Accelerator
What We Do
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Leveraging administrative data to accelerate the research-to-impact process
Leadership in the acquisition, use, and secure storage of administrative data for the use in research.
To create a community that leverages streamlined process and policy to advance the impact of applied computational social sciences to benefit the health and development of children and families. This includes:

While the Data Accelerator participates in University-wide partnerships and collaborations, our secure data enclave is located within the Henderson Building at Penn State University Park campus.
The Administrative Data Accelerator is made possible by the generous support of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child & Human Development, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Laura & John Arnold Foundation, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation as well as institutional funding from the Penn State College of Health and Human Development and the Social Science Research Institute. The Data Accelerator team is housed within the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center at Penn State University.
Data Accelerator – Important Links
National Administration Data Efforts
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