Research-to-Policy Collaboration
Research-to-Policy Collaboration
Bridging Science and Government
Bridging Science and Government
Maximizing research impact by bringing researchers and policymakers together to achieve shared goals.
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The RPC model has undergone extensive experimental testing to determine its value for both legislative and researcher participants. Results of a randomized controlled trial indicate that 23% more RPC offices introduced a bill containing URE legislative language than those not receiving RPC support. Legislative staff participating in the RPC model also reported greater value of using evidence to understand problems. Researchers randomly assigned to the RPC model also report a 55% increase in policy engagement, improved knowledge of lobbying rules, and a heightened belief that engagement benefited their program of research. Overall, these findings suggest that these researcher-policymaker connections can provide benefit to both groups.
Find Research-to-Policy Resources
Workforce Development: Effective Strategies for Employment Success
Veterans & Substance Use Disorder (SUD): Evidence-Based Strategies & Programs
Social Media and Fentanyl Sales
Preventing Overdose Deaths During High Risk Transition Periods
Title IV-B: An Overview
School-Based Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Prevention Strategies & Programs
Impacts of Increasing Access to Contraception for Women
Barriers to Digital Engagement for Under-resourced Microbusinesses
Veteran Entrepreneurs
Supporting Micro and Small Business Entrepreneurship
Strategies to Support the Needs of Substance-Exposed Infants: Services & Monitoring
Strategies to Support the Needs of Substance-Exposed Infants: Screening & Notification
Bridging the Gap Between Small Businesses and Federal Contracts
Family-Centered Approaches to Supporting and Preserving Families Impacted by Substance Use
Expanding Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs: Mentorship, Experimentation, Angel Investments/VC Groups, & Investment Circles
Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Entrepreneurship
Supporting Entrepreneurs, Families, & Underserved Communities: Improving Access to Affordable Child Care
Enhancing Teacher Retention in Rural Schools: Analysis and Recommendations
Comparison of SBA to Private Entrepreneurship Resources
Fostering American Entrepreneurship
Small businesses boomed during the pandemic and like many of us, have faced enormous pressure since (e.g., impact of inflation). America’s entrepreneurial spirit not only paves a way for innovation and growth; small businesses also account for nearly half of the American workforce and GDP.