Data Accelerator
Leadership in the acquisition, linkage, use, and secure storage of sensitive human health and social science administrative data.
Data Accelerator
Leadership in the acquisition, linkage, use, and secure storage of sensitive human health and social science administrative data.
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Home / What We Do / Data Accelerator
The Data Accelerator provides leadership in the acquisition, linkage, use, and secure storage of sensitive human health and social science administrative data.
Using data created through the routine running of programs allows us to generate evidence, advance research, and inform policy at minimal cost to the public, with big impact for society.
Located in the College of Health and Human Development’s Prevention Research Center, and supported by the Social Science Research Institute, The Penn State Administrative Data Accelerator collaborates with interdisciplinary teams to acquire and securely store administrative data to inform policy and improve lives.
What is Administrative Data?
Administrative data is information collected through the routine running of programs and services. These include public and private programs, and institutional information. Admin data are often used as part of business intelligence to enhance operational procedures and to generate reports for executives. This data can also be used in research to supplement existing data, as stand-alone contextual information, examine trends over time, and evaluate impacts of intervention programs.
Data Accelerator Components
The “accelerator” component of the Data Accelerator provides expedited access to resources, tools, and strategies for using administrative data for research. Data sets that may take several months, or years, of negotiations are accessible to researchers through collaboration with the Data Accelerator.
Repository & Storage Enclave
The Data Accelerator has developed a standardized Data Use Agreement (DUA) and Business Associates Agreement (BAA) process that allows for the intake of data into our secure environment for use in research projects. Researchers can partner with the Data Accelerator experts on funded research to use our data holdings, securely store data, acquire administrative data, and/or for data linkages. Researchers are welcome to submit applications to to partner with the Data Accelerator for their sponsored research.
Security & Privacy
The Data Accelerator operates a secure enclave, has Authority to Operate (ATO) status at Penn State, and over 109 security controls in alignment with Penn State Policy AD95. The Data Accelerator meets, requirements for storage of data protected by HIPAA.
Data Accelerator
What We Do
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Leveraging administrative data to accelerate the research-to-impact process
Leadership in the acquisition, use, and secure storage of administrative data for the use in research.
To create a community that leverages streamlined process and policy to advance the impact of applied computational social sciences to benefit the health and development of children and families. This includes:

While the Data Accelerator participates in University-wide partnerships and collaborations, our secure data enclave is located within the Henderson Building at Penn State University Park campus.
The Administrative Data Accelerator is made possible by the generous support of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child & Human Development, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Laura & John Arnold Foundation, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation as well as institutional funding from the Penn State College of Health and Human Development and the Social Science Research Institute. The Data Accelerator team is housed within the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center at Penn State University.
Data Accelerator
What We Do
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National Administration Data Efforts
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