Results First™ Resources
The Results First™ resources help states implement an evidence-based policymaking approach that allows them to better invest in policies and programs that are proven to work.
Results First™ Resources
The Results First™ resources help states implement an evidence-based policymaking approach that allows them to better invest in policies and programs that are proven to work.
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Results First: Looking Back and Moving Forward
The Pew Charitable Trusts’ Results First initiative is excited to announce the release of “Results First: Looking Back and Moving Forward,” a video that celebrates our work with states over the last 12 years and previews what’s next for the evidence-based policymaking field. It features a brief overview of how Results First got started, as well as success stories from five leading partner states—Alabama, Colorado, Minnesota, New Mexico, and North Carolina. As we prepare for our project’s conclusion in March 2023, we wanted to capture the impact of Results First through interviews with state leaders and other prominent organizations in this field. We hope you’re inspired by all that’s been accomplished and all the exciting work to come!
The Results First™ resources consist of the Cost-Benefit Model, the Evidence-Based Policymaking Resource Center, and the Clearinghouse Database.
The Results First™ initiative, a project supported by The Pew Charitable Trusts and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, invested in the development of the Cost-Benefit Model and created the Evidence-Based Policymaking Resource Center and the Clearinghouse Database. Pew transferred these resources to Penn State University and ended its work on them in 2021.
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Cost-Benefit Model
The Cost-Benefit Model (CB Model) enables state governments to estimate the expected return on investment (ROI) for programs they fund or are considering funding. What makes the model unique is that it uses a consistent approach for analyzing programs within a policy area, such as adult mental health, child welfare, or juvenile justice, allowing policymakers to make an apples-to-apples comparison between different programs’ benefits and costs. Government leaders can then use this information to help inform their programmatic funding decisions and ensure they are making the best use of taxpayer dollars.
Evidence-Based Policymaking Resource Center
This center contains resources regarding the five components of evidence-based policymaking, including briefs exploring their key elements, fact sheets highlighting best practices to approaching each one, and analyses of states and counties implementing them in their jurisdictions. State and local government leaders can use this resource center to explore new ideas, identify promising practices, and inform their own strategies for creating a more effective government.
Clearinghouse Database
The Results First™ Clearinghouse Database is an online resource that brings together information on the effectiveness of social policy programs from nine national clearinghouses. It applies color-coding to the clearinghouses’ distinct rating systems, creating a common language that enables users to quickly see where each program falls on a spectrum from negative impact to positive impact. As such, this database can help users easily access and understand the evidence base for a variety of programs.
Results First™ Resources
Evidence-Based Policymaking Resource Center
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