The Data Accelerator Team
Focused on building relationships, creating community, and improving lives through the use of data
The Data Accelerator Team
Focused on building relationships, creating community, and improving lives through the use of data
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Home / What We Do / Data Accelerator / The Data Accelerator Team
Public and private initiatives have made substantial investments in improving the quality and standardization of administrative data systems over the past decade. These records increasingly offer high quality longitudinal information about developmental, social, and behavioral phenomena. Yet, using administrative data in research has continued to be difficult for researchers. The team at the Administrative Data Accelerator aims to accelerate access to, and the impact of, administrative data records to facilitate evidence-based policymaking.
Data Accelerator
What We Do
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Leveraging administrative data to accelerate the research-to-impact process
Leadership in the acquisition, use, and secure storage of administrative data for the use in research.
To create a community that leverages streamlined process and policy to advance the impact of applied computational social sciences to benefit the health and development of children and families. This includes:

While the Data Accelerator participates in University-wide partnerships and collaborations, our secure data enclave is located within the Henderson Building at Penn State University Park campus.
The Administrative Data Accelerator is made possible by the generous support of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child & Human Development, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Laura & John Arnold Foundation, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation as well as institutional funding from the Penn State College of Health and Human Development and the Social Science Research Institute. The Data Accelerator team is housed within the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center at Penn State University.
Data Accelerator – Important Links
National Administration Data Efforts
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