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Home / Who We Are / Our Team / Stephanie Eddy

Stephanie Eddy

Stephanie Eddy

FIS Advisor, Policy Associate, Research Translation Platform


As Family Impact Seminar (FIS) Advisor and Policy Associate in the Evidence-to-Impact Collaborative’s Research Translation Platform, Stephanie Eddy oversees implementation of the FIS model, a state level research-to-policy outreach series including seminar events and corresponding briefs. She trains and supports state seminar directors as they develop teams of legislative advisors, plan, and execute the seminar model in their own state capitals. She also assists broadly across the Platform’s Research-to-Policy initiatives, blending the training from her background in community psychology and work as a state legislative staff member, to inform the creation and sustainability of collaborative spaces in the research and policy communities.

Contact Information

Evidence-to-Impact Collaborative Team

Bethany Shaw

Assistant Director of Data Accelerator Compliance

Emily Warthman

Director of Policy Operations, Research Translation Platform

Beth Long

Director of Research & Evaluation, Research Translation Platform

Rachel Storace

Associate Director of Program Operations, Research Translation Platform

Jessica Pugel

Associate Director of Insights and Analytics, Research Translation Platform

Laura Jana

Chief Innovation Officer, Evidence to Impact Collaborative

Stephanie Eddy

FIS Advisor, Policy Associate, Research Translation Platform

Laura Huber

Policy Associate, Research Translation Platform

Sarah Davis

Research Administrative Assistant, Evidence-to-Impact Collaborative


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